Treatments 2


Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is an inflammatory condition affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth

  • Overview

    Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is an inflammatory condition affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. In its early stage, called gingivitis, the gums become swollen, red, and may bleed. In its more serious form, called periodontitis, the gums can pull away from the tooth, which is known as "pockets", bone can be lost, and the teeth may loosen.  Periodontal disease is generally due to bacteria in the mouth infecting the tissue around the teeth.

  • Common Risk Factors

    The most common risk factors associated with periodontitis include:

    • Poor brushing and flossing habits, which leads to plaque and tartar buildup
    • Smoking or chewing tobacco long-term
    • Poor nutrition, such as eating sugary foods and drinks often
    • Some blood pressure, heart disease, cardiovascular, bacterial pneumonia, seizure, or immunosuppressant medications
    • Misaligned teeth, which makes the plaque and calculus more difficult to remove
    • Family history of periodontitis
    • Long-term stress, which causes inflammation
  • Symptoms

    Symptoms of periodontitis range from mild to extreme and can include:

    • Red and swollen gums
    • Inflammation below or around the gums
    • Gums that bleed on probing (such as flossing)
    • Loose teeth or gums that pull away from the teeth
    • Bad breath, even after brushing
    • Pus between the teeth and gums
    • Sudden teeth misalignment or an incorrect bite

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Crown Lengthening

Procedure to expose more of the tooth

  • Details

    Esthetic Crown Lengthening is a common periodontal surgical procedure in which gum tissue is re-contoured to expose more of the tooth. It is normally performed in order to improve the health of gum tissue or to prepare the patient’s mouth for a restorative or cosmetic procedure. This procedure can be performed on a single tooth, many teeth or the entire gum line in order to expose a pleasant, aesthetically appealing smile.

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Tooth Exposure

Surgery to uncover an unerupted tooth

  • Treatment Details

    Tooth exposure surgery refers to a procedure which is performed in cases where a tooth has failed to erupt properly. Most often, the procedure is performed when a tooth has been blocked from erupting because of dental crowding, or when a baby tooth has not fallen out, preventing an adult tooth from erupting. The unerupted tooth is uncovered and a orthodontic bracket is placed onto the tooth. Attached to the bracket is a small chain, which is then attached to the orthodontic appliance to guide the unerupted tooth into place. 

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Sinus Lift

Procedure to help support your dental implant placement.

  • Treatment Details

    The sinuses are air-filled cavities that are located just above the back portion of the upper jaw. 

    Sinus lift surgery is a treatment approach your dentist may recommend when you desire dental implants but don’t have enough jaw bone to secure the implant. A sinus lift refers to the augmentation or lifting up of the maxillary sinus to make more room for new bone.

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Removal and reshaping of any loose or damaged gum tissue.

  • Treatment Details

    The procedure is the removal and reshaping of any loose, damaged or disease gum tissue. The portion of your gums from in and around a tooth or teeth are removed in order to treat gum disease or to lengthen the height or width of a tooth or a section of teeth.

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Removal of teeth

  • Treatment Details

    Extractions are performed for a wide variety of reasons, but most commonly to remove teeth which have become unrestorable through tooth decay, periodontal disease, or dental trauma, especially when they are associated with toothache

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